Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Dear Loved Ones,

Some of you remember when we lived in Kenya and had huge Christmas preparations culminating with a three-day Christmas musical for our town and hosting a Christmas Open house for up to 200 businesses acquaintances and friends. I suppose in our minds we keep building up to that sort of Christmas and in Botswana the shock and disappointment of ministry at Christmas just leaves us with our mouths open in exclamation!

All around town people have put up decorations in the shops and the malls(! Yes we have them!) have Christmas trees and very skinny Father Christmases. But the actual weekend of Christmas everyone is GONE! Today we had 20 including about 10 or more children! Almost everyone will have left town by tomorrow. Of course, traditionally in Botswana there was no worship of Jesus Christ and people that worked away from their homes in the village all returned there for the holiday time. Usually at Christmas, the temperature is soaring over 100 degrees and people just rest!

We will take this time to do just that REST! The responsibility of the school and the new property has us completely worn out. I can’t believe that I will not even be cooking on Christmas Day. We have been invited to two homes, one of our church members has invited us for lunch and some missionary friends for supper. They have both suggested that we do not bring anything!

This morning, we gave small gift bags with a Christmas puzzle and some stickers and sweets to our church children. We are thankful for a family in one of our supporting churches who sent the gift bags and stickers for us to use.

May each of you have a wonderful Christmas focused on the gift of the Saviour of the Nations!

Reaching the Unreached,
Steve, Pam Derek and Devin

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Dear Loved Ones,

Not long ago, we wrote about a teenage girl who was saved while visiting our church from Zimbabwe. *Angie* is a someone we have known for a couple of years. Each time she has visited, we have been pleased to spend time with her. Our impression was of a shy, sweet girl who lived with her elderly mom and cared for her niece. This week we learned a little more of her story.

Apparently, Angie has been going through some troubled times. Her sister told me that she brought Angie here to help out her mom who is basically at wit’s end. Earlier this year, the mom arrived home to see Angie in pretty rough shape. It was evident that she had been somehow assaulted. The mom asked if she had been raped and she said no, but the mom pressed until she found out that a schoolmate was responsible. In the process of the police investigation, they required a doctor’s examination. The results came back that Angie has full-blown AIDS.

Angie is 16. According to her diarized accounts, she became sexually active at 13. The diagnosis was not from something recent. Her family is devastated and up until now, her behavior has shown no signs of changing. She has been involved in petty theft and deceit for most of the last two years.

Her sister, who attends our church has told no one except me. She has been carrying a heavy load. She is not a strong Christian. Would you pray with us for her that God will draw her close to Him and she will find the comfort she needs at this time. And would you pray for Angie? I pray that her salvation will bring forth the fruits of righteousness so that all will know she has been changed. We are hoping that she did not just say she has committed her life to Christ to make people think better of her. She is now on ARVs (anti-retroviral drugs) that can help her lead a somewhat normal life. Even with AIDS her life can have a purpose when given over to Jesus Christ.

Our Amanda will not be able to be with us for Christmas. We had hoped, but there were no seats available. She will travel this weekend to Steve’s sister’s home in North Carolina to share Christmas with their family and Steve’s mom. Would you pray for safety as she travels?

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam, Derek and Devin

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

The first picture is of Dube. Dube is from Zimbabwe and has been with us since the very beginning of our time here in Botswana. He is a faithful man and a man of prayer. We thank God for him and pray for many more like him.

You can also see in the picture that at our new property we have a nice place for what you would call “dinner on the grounds”. That’s what we had today after our children presented their Christmas program, “The Christmas Present”. One of our supporting churches was so kind to purchase the book and CD for us to use. It is the first time we have done anything like this here and everyone was so thrilled and surprised at how well the children performed. The message of the program stood alone – the best present of all is Jesus!

We are continuing to have visitors at our new place and are thankful for those who are coming. Our church is beginning to feel ownership of the new place and are excited about the possibilities it brings us.

One of our ladies left early today because she had work at the office that could not wait. I later had a text message from her that her visiting sister from Zimbabwe accepted Christ as her Saviour today!! Pray with us as we work with her while she is here in Botswana for another week or so.

The second picture is of some of the children we ministered to yesterday at the clinic for children living with HIV/AIDS. We volunteer at their annual Christmas party. The attendance was down some because of the rain, but our youth were there shining the light of the love of Jesus to the children and their caregivers. We thank the Lord for the opportunities He brings because of this ministry.

Christmas is upon us and it is hard to believe. With all the new opportunities, we have not really taken time to prepare as we usually do.
We had hoped that Amanda would be able to join us since she is the only one apart from us right now, but it looks like there are no seats left at the time she would be able to come. Would you pray God’s will be done in that? This year has been particularly hard on our family and we long to be together, but we understand God may have different purposes. We pray that His will be done for His glory even in this.

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam, Derek and Devin

December 2, 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

We moved our services today. We and our church members are so excited. Today was the first time many of them had seen the property God has given us to use for His glory. We are overwhelmed with His gifts to us.

Next Sunday we will meet together and have our children’s Christmas presentation plus we will have our annual December church cookout.

Please remember us in prayer on Saturday while we volunteer at the Botswana Baylor Clinic for Children with HIV/AIDS.

Also please join us in asking God for a harvest of souls in this Christmas season.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

23 Years

Dear Loved Ones,

Twenty-three years ago this past Friday, we stepped off the plane for the first time in Africa. That first night was something else. We stayed in a house behind a brewery and were scared to death. I remember hearing Steve cry and say, “What have we done?” What we had done was to follow God and He has lead us all the way. There have been many other scary nights and hard times, but the wonderful memories outweigh the bad.

Though we have spent most of our lives away from our families, God has given us a home here in Africa. Steve says our hearts are shaped like the continent now. We thank God for our families who are the real heroes of missions.

God has provided for us all the way. Many of you have been with us since that first year, you have experienced our joys and sorrows and faithfully prayed us through. How we thank God for you. Every soul, every victory, every seed sown is written to your account as well as to ours. We can never say thank you enough. We thank Him for such faithfulness.

We have a big challenge ahead of us this year. God has opened the doors for a new property and that will mean new and more extensive ministry here in Gaborore. We need your prayers for wisdom, and to have the understanding of what is that key to reaching the Batswana for Christ.

God bless,

Steve, Pam, Derek and Devin

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Green Trees and a Permanent Meeting Space

Dear Loved Ones,

Thank you for praying for Steve and Devin, they have returned to a GREEN Botswana. Derek is real tired of hearing us say, “wow! It’s so GREEN!” but in all our time in Botswana we have not seen the trees so full and the grass so green in this desert. We are thankful for the rains. It is also great not to have such high temperatures yet, but this afternoon we noted 107ยบ on the thermometer.

Our youth were challenged today to begin to study the Bible on their own, not just reading it, but studying it using II Timothy 3:16 as a model. Most of our youth right now are 20+ and we are excited to see them take on servanthood roles in our church. On Sunday mornings, everywhere we look, there is a young adult serving. We are about to face a big challenge and we believe they are ready for it.

This morning, Steve announced to everyone that though it is not 100% finalized yet, God has provided our church with a permanent meeting place of our own. We are not sure of the actual date we can move in because it needs some renovation, but we are excited about the opportunities it means for us. The location is in the middle of a middle-class neighborhood which borders a very large village area. It is right in the center of Gaborone. It provides us with an immediate meeting place AND space to grow.

We will let you know more details as they become finalized. We appreciate your prayers as this is a big step up for our group of young believers. When we look at the size of the task we often think of Gideon’s army, but since we know the end of that story, we are walking forward in faith!

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve,Pam, Derek and Devin Workman

Sunday, October 28, 2007

News from Botswana and Kenya

Dear Loved Ones,

Recently someone sent us $500 to use any way we saw fit. We had heard through our friend, missionary Ole Konnerup, that the pastor in our first work in Kenya was ill and needed treatment. Ole encouraged us by saying that he has seen that Isaka has remained faithful through the years. We were able to send the money through Western Union and today we got a reply from him. Some of you have supported us since we became missionaries. We thought you would like to hear a report how God is continuing His good work in Kenya.

**Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Our sustained Saviour and soon coming Sovereign.

Just to brief you regarding our work here in Kenya, the ministry God started through you and I is doing well although we do not miss obstacles on the way but we trust our Lord Jesus to take care for it. This Sunday many people returned to Jesus and some got saved around five people and we are going to take time to teach them to know the way of living for God.

Lets pray together and have faith to our Lord things will work well. My request to you pray for me and my family concerning God's work to be done well and God to provide for our needs and strength because my sons are candidates next year they will be sitting for their fourth form exams and the girl is also a standard eight candidate next year. So school fees is heavy for all of them. Boys require 60,000/= and the girl in a private school require 12,000 /=.

It’s really troubling me but as we pray together and trust God He will provide. We are praying for your ministry in Botswana to do well and God to care and provide for your needs.

We believe that through you Botswana will be different and I want to see that one of this fine days I will visit you or you visist us in Kenya before we meet in Heaven.

Finally beloved ones I want to thank you for your support you have given me thoroughly. I appreciate warmly and very happy. I pray that may the Almighty God provide for you abundantly.I would like to say that may you thank for us those standing with you in America by giving and supporting God's people. Let God of all Blessings be with you and them. Remember to pray for our youth camp next month of December 4th up to 9th.** (Isaka Wachiye)

The amounts that he has mentioned for his children’s school fees are the equivalent of about $1100. Also to our surprise, he writes that electricity is coming to the village! Now, it is hard enough for us to think he can type and send us emails! BUT electricity in the village! Unimagineable. We remember walking behind him following the white of socks because we could see NOTHING else when darkness fell in Kabuchai. He has a desire to have electricity connected to the church. It would cost about $500 for that.

Since we left Kenya twelve years ago, we have only occasionally sent money to help Isaka. It is important for him to stand on his own, but these are special needs and perhaps someone in your church would like to use these as a Christmas gift for our Lord.

We were overjoyed in Botswana today at the salvation of a ten year old named Memory. It was especially fun to see her new “church friend” bring her up to me to let me know she wanted to ask Jesus in her heart. That friend is the daughter of Dut and Anne and was only recently saved herself.

God willing, Steve and Devin return this week. We can’t wait!

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam and Derek