Monday, February 25, 2008

February 25, 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

It is hard to believe we are into the last week of February.

Thank you for praying for Devin this week. The medication seemed to not bother his system and he has seemed to have a little more energy this week. He has another day on the meds and then we see the doctor next month again. We thank the Lord for what he did this week.

Several of you have said you are praying for Spencer. He was in church again today and came on his own. We continue to pray for his salvation. Joyce, the lady who was saved two weeks ago stood to give thanks to the Lord today for what He is doing in her life. It’s great to see things like that happening.

There are so many things to thank the Lord for we cannot name them all, but we praise Him. We thank Him for people who care enough to pray for us daily and others as God lays us on your heart.

Every once in awhile we have someone come in from Zimbabwe. So many are looking for jobs and are really destitute. Pray that God will intervene in Zimbabwe and its people can have jobs and food and health care again.

We have three students that are headed for the University of Botswana later in the year. It’s a great opportunity because the government pays for their education, but UB is literally a deadly place for many of Botswana’s youth. Pray with us for our youth that will be freshmen this year, that they will set their heart of God’s ways and His plans and they will be a shining light in a very dark place.

We do not know what this week holds for us, but our God does. We are working on refurbishing the hall where the church is meeting. We hope to have it ready for next Sunday, Lord willing. Pray for our physical strength as well as for creativity and passion in our ministry.

We appreciate your continued prayers for each member of our family. God knows each of our needs and we trust Him to work out His plan for our lives.

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam, Amanda, Derek and Devin

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