Monday, January 28, 2008

January 27, 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

We have always been busy in our missionary life, but seems like at least we had time every week to take a breath. Those times are rare right now. School is in full swing and our church is growing – it is amazing to see what God is doing every day.

This week I (Pam) started teaching our high school students a class in doctrine. I was amazed that they did not know how many books are in the Bible and could not say the books of the Bible. I pray that when they are finished with this class, they will know much more than that. There are four Hindu youth in that class, one Sikh boy, and about five Chinese students, plus all the Africans. Please pray that all who are not yet saved in this class will be drawn to the Saviour and the TRUTH of God’s word.

Steve has been busy with school finances, and preparing materials for the church building’s refurbishment. But on Thursday evening, he had the joy of leading two souls to Christ. Thursday morning, he left his Bible at home and while he was out felt the Lord saying, go back to the house and get your Bible, something is going to happen today. He obeyed but most of the day was just day-to day stuff until he got a call from Kwame saying he and his girlfriend would like to meet with him. They came in and as they talked, their need for a Saviour was so pressing, they did not wait any longer to call on the name of the Lord. After they were saved, they told Steve, they had really come to talk about their struggles with alcohol and how could they get help, “but”, Kwame said, “Now we are SAVED!” This morning, it was a real joy during our prayer time for Kwame to raise his hand and announce to the whole church that they have given their lives to the Lord. It is VERY unusual for a man to do something like that in Africa. Tears of thankfulness just rolled down our faces. Pray for them as the Lord changes their desires that He would strengthen them and use us and our church people to encourage them. Kwame was one of the men mentioned in our update last week.

This morning Steve’s message was on Salvation. He used several people as “props” during his illustration, and apparently the message was crystal clear. One lady who has been coming for about three months now was saved! It has been such a pleasure to watch as Christ has gently drawn her to himself. Now we want to pray for her husband Craig. Also pray for them. They are white Africans and work here is very hard to find for that particular people group. They need God to provide a good steady job for Craig.

Three souls in four days! How we are rejoicing in the Lord! Plus, we have had a friend from the States out for a visit. It’s so nice to have someone to talk to that cares and with whom we can share the burden the Lord has given us for Botswana. He will be here til Thursday, so please pray for continued safety and that God will bless and use him while he is here. He is a lay person who specializes in children’s ministry. We look forward to chapel this week as he speaks.

We are so thankful for your prayers. We say that often, but it is so true. ONLY GOD can do what is happening in Botswana right now.

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam, Derek and Devin

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The first harvest

Today as Steve left for the school, the Lord prompted him to go back home and get his Bible that he had left behind. The Lord seemed to say, “I’ve got something for you today.”

The day was full of just stuff. Samaritan’s Purse began to offload their containers at the school today and the truck (semi) got stuck in the mud....just normal stuff. Then he got a call from Kwame and Thabo, the Batswana couple we wrote about Sunday. They wanted to see him.

They came about 5:30 and before they left they were both SAVED! They are 27,28 years old and their big struggle, what led them to church was that they like so many young Batswana are basically alcoholics. They said, well, we came to ask you how we can stop drinking, but now we are SAVED! Pretty great. Steve said, “I guess that’s why God wanted me to take my Bible!” First two for God’s harvest on the new property.

It is unbelievable what God is doing. We found out today that our books are still 30 days out but there are enough to copy or use until the big supply gets here. We have done some dumb things, like I ordered 0 teacher’s books. But, God is blessing, every day there is a new student. I teach all of our secondary students Bible Doctrine. They do not even know the books of the Bible. Today I asked if anyone knew any promises of God and one girl said that he promised to make us heads and not tails........(prosperity stuff I believe) I told her she would have to show that one to me... But anyway... Just wanted you to know we are thankful for His work and acknowledge that without Him we can do nothing.

It’s a lot of work, but remember we prayed that God would establish us here soon. - He is answering and we are just walking by faith.

Love you,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Flu, School, and Church!

Dear Loved Ones:

What a week! Steve woke up Monday, the first day of the new school year here with a terrible flu that kept him down and out until Thursday. Thankfully, he is much better and the Lord blessed today’s message mightily in people’s life. When I asked one of our youth, how the message was, she said “ummmmm” I said, “was it not good?” She said, no I was trying to think of a word much better than GOOD!” We have also heard from others that God really moved in their hearts during the service.

As usual, God has gone before us in our work with the school. People just keep on coming to enroll their children. Friday’s count, we were at 297 students. We had our first chapel on Wednesday. We need you to pray on Tuesday evenings before bed for our chapel service. We really desire to see souls saved and lives changed for HIS glory during this year. We know how important prayer is and we are thankful we can call on you to pray.

Today, people began to come back to church after being away for Christmas. Those of you who have been praying for men, God is answering that prayer. Eric who had attended our church but had a financial reversal and lost his transport, lives closer here and he has been in church again for the last two Sundays. He is SO happy to be back at our church. Another couple has begun attending, they are Batswana and seem excited to have found a church like Desert Streams. Spencer has also visited the last two Sundays. We are excited about these three men joining into fellowship with us.

Please continue to pray that God will burden our people to serve Him and sacrifice their time and efforts to do so. Every Sunday our attendance grows a little more. We have not yet even put up a sign because the building needs refurbishing before we have a “Grand Sunday”, yet God is bringing visitors each week, and they are staying!

So many things to praise Him for. We thank Him for allowing us to serve Him. Thank Him for the strength each day brings. We are thankful for the skills Derek has been bringing to the set up of the school. Plus he can cook and often has a nice dinner prepared for us when we come home late. We are thankful for his loving care of us. Devin is doing okay, he is still tired a lot and we hope to get into a doctor that can really help him. We are so glad he is here with us. Thank you for praying for our children. Amanda is also doing well in Dallas. We praise the Lord for His watchcare over her.

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam, Derek and Devin

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

News from Kenya

Dear loved ones,

You are aware that the first years of our overseas ministry was spent in Kenya. We have written about our pastor Isaka Wachiye and his faithfulness for 20+ years. The recent news from Kenya has touched our hearts because a lot of the violence was in our own town of Eldoret where we lived for the time we ministered there. We have heard tragic stories from many friends, but also have heard of God’s protection. We wondered how it was for Isaka. This week, we received the following letter from him. We he mentions the food stores – he could possibly mean groceries stores and/or stores of grain kept by their huts. Should God move your heart for this need, we will forward the monies to him as soon as we receive them.

*Note: Isaka is our pastor of over 20 years, of the church in Kabuchi, Kenya (near the border of Kenya and Uganda). This was my parent's first work and sweet Isaka who started as our gardner began to pastor this work about 2 years or so after it started. He and his family have served faithfully since then. As you can see from the letter below he is a man of great faith and wisdom. His letter here refers to the damage of the recent political clashes in Kenya.

Dear Br Workmans,
> Receive our greetings in the mighty name of our Lord
> Jesus Christ.We hope that you are fine and doing well
> in his service.
> Thanks be to God for enabling you and the church to
> reach the new year 2008.
> For us we've seen a new year but through struggle, and
> hardship that came following elections that was
> contacted in December. This led to the fighting
> between people of all races, some being killed, others
> injured, housesd being burned, looting people's
> properties, no transportation, no visiting of the
> shops for shopping. Some of our family members were
> butchered while in their house - Father, Mother and
> their children.
> For us the gang came and carried away everything that
> was valuable to them, it is now difficult for us to
> send children to school for life has come back to zero
> and it needs new plans.
> This is just to inform you about it and for you to
> know that we are alive through God's grace. We
> earnestly request for your prayers, for us and our
> country to have peace. Pray that God may provide for
> us our needs.
> Truely life has become hard for us.
> We are writing this in fear without freedom.
> The church is doing well, but some4 members have been
> displaced by the chaos. Others lost a lot of their
> properties, and some are still staying in the police
> station. As the church this is the burden that we are
> carrying for now both spiritually - evangelization and
> material provision to these families, but it is not
> enough. Some of the food stores were burned.
> Pray brother that things may change to normal. For now
> the situation is improving for we can move around and
> some of the offices are opened for service.
> God bless. Amen.
> Yours faithfully,
> Pastor Isaac.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Diary of the Desert - January 2008

Dear Loved Ones: First, our apologies. It has been a long time since we have written, and unless you have reading our weekly e-mail updates you may not know what has been happening in our ministry.

Now, an explanation for our apology. Without a doubt, Pam and I can’t think of a busier, more stressful time in our ministry than the past several months. In July we received one of those telephone calls that only God could orchestrate.

As I answered my cell phone the voice on theother end said, “This is John Rawlings.” Dr. Rawlings was looking for another missionary who had been using my phone for a while, but was gone. In the course of our short conversation Dr. John asked me if there were any camp or Bible training facilities in Botswana. When I told him therewere none in our country he told me to look around and let him know if I found any that might be for sale since his foundation, the Rawlings Foundation, worked with missionaries to develop such facilities. When Pam got homelater that afternoon she reminded me of a Christian school in the middle of Gaborone that was for sale. It was a 30 acre property with ten classroom buildings, an athletic field, a swimming pool, and - ready for this?! - a 1500 seat auditorium. It had been started by some missionaries who were ready to retire and wanted to sell the property to a Christian organization who would use it for the glory ofGod in Botswana.

In August Herb Rawlings paid us a visit to take a look at the property first hand and was very impressed by what he saw. They agreed to buy theproperty, giving our church a permanent home, continuethe school ministry and begin holding youth camps and training programs. Thus began a two month process of negotiating and closing the sale between two continents.

The owners asked Pam and I to begin training to take over the school and we agreed. To us that meant we would beon campus, listen to their instructions, ask questions and take notes. But, to the owners this meant that they would give us the keys, introduce us to a few people and throw us into the deep end! Ten days after the agreement to buy, theowners left for a trip back to the US, leaving Pam and I in charge of a K3-high school of 350 students! Our “training” turned into 12-15 hour days trying to figure out what we were doing and trying not to mess things up too bad.

In the middle of all this we received a call from Devin’s doctor in Lynchburg telling us he was not doing well and recommended that I make a trip to check on him. If you remember in our last letter Devin was struggling withhealth problems and they had continued to deteriorate. Thetrip ended with us packing Devin’s belongings away and bringing him back to Botswana to continue his recovery.

On November 19th, Pam’s birthday, the sale was completed. The first Sunday in December our church moved from the school auditorium where we had met for more than three years to the new property - our new home! Our church people could not believe what God had donefor them! The next Sunday we had a celebratory dinner and everyone walked through the property to see what God had given us to use for His glory. We are already growing and gaining new people.

In the last three weeks we have had over twenty visitors. The property is located not far from the center of town in a growing middle class neighborhood. The school is well known in the city and willbe a great evangelistic tool to bring people to Christ. Some might ask if there is any financial gain for us in this, and theanswer is no. But, there will be incredible eternal rewards through the souls that are saved in the years to come!

We are still in a state of unbelief over what God has done. On the other hand, we serve a God who can do more than we could ever ask or imagine. As BBFI missionaries our great desire is to use these facilities to reach people for Christ, build His church and train young people to carry onthe work of the gospel. We want to thank the Dr. Rawlings and his foundation for their vision in purchasing this property for God’s glory. Please pray with us that we will use this wonderful gift from the Lord to its fullest.

And thank you for your patience as we have gone through this time. It has been both thrilling and trying for our family and we need your prayers and God’s strength and wisdom.

May God bless you all and may 2008 be a blessed year for each of you.Reaching the Unreached,The Workman’s. ..Steve, Pam, Amanda, Derek & Devin