Monday, January 28, 2008

January 27, 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

We have always been busy in our missionary life, but seems like at least we had time every week to take a breath. Those times are rare right now. School is in full swing and our church is growing – it is amazing to see what God is doing every day.

This week I (Pam) started teaching our high school students a class in doctrine. I was amazed that they did not know how many books are in the Bible and could not say the books of the Bible. I pray that when they are finished with this class, they will know much more than that. There are four Hindu youth in that class, one Sikh boy, and about five Chinese students, plus all the Africans. Please pray that all who are not yet saved in this class will be drawn to the Saviour and the TRUTH of God’s word.

Steve has been busy with school finances, and preparing materials for the church building’s refurbishment. But on Thursday evening, he had the joy of leading two souls to Christ. Thursday morning, he left his Bible at home and while he was out felt the Lord saying, go back to the house and get your Bible, something is going to happen today. He obeyed but most of the day was just day-to day stuff until he got a call from Kwame saying he and his girlfriend would like to meet with him. They came in and as they talked, their need for a Saviour was so pressing, they did not wait any longer to call on the name of the Lord. After they were saved, they told Steve, they had really come to talk about their struggles with alcohol and how could they get help, “but”, Kwame said, “Now we are SAVED!” This morning, it was a real joy during our prayer time for Kwame to raise his hand and announce to the whole church that they have given their lives to the Lord. It is VERY unusual for a man to do something like that in Africa. Tears of thankfulness just rolled down our faces. Pray for them as the Lord changes their desires that He would strengthen them and use us and our church people to encourage them. Kwame was one of the men mentioned in our update last week.

This morning Steve’s message was on Salvation. He used several people as “props” during his illustration, and apparently the message was crystal clear. One lady who has been coming for about three months now was saved! It has been such a pleasure to watch as Christ has gently drawn her to himself. Now we want to pray for her husband Craig. Also pray for them. They are white Africans and work here is very hard to find for that particular people group. They need God to provide a good steady job for Craig.

Three souls in four days! How we are rejoicing in the Lord! Plus, we have had a friend from the States out for a visit. It’s so nice to have someone to talk to that cares and with whom we can share the burden the Lord has given us for Botswana. He will be here til Thursday, so please pray for continued safety and that God will bless and use him while he is here. He is a lay person who specializes in children’s ministry. We look forward to chapel this week as he speaks.

We are so thankful for your prayers. We say that often, but it is so true. ONLY GOD can do what is happening in Botswana right now.

Reaching the Unreached,

Steve, Pam, Derek and Devin

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